Koosneb ühest piigist mis tahes voolutsütomeetri optiliseks joondamiseks kõikides kanalites UV -st kuni purpurpunani Määrab, kas voolav rakk on selge ja ilma vedeliku blokeeringuta.
• Mõõdab variatsioonikoefitsiente (CV -sid), tippkanalit histogrammi jaotus, et teada saada voolutsütomeetrite jõudlust.
Juurdepääsetavad on uued käigutsütomeetrid, millel on üha rohkem erinevaid fluorestseeruvaid kanaleid UV -s ja Far Purple’is ning vastavate fluorestseeruvate konjugaatide pakkumine. Säilitamiseks oleme nüüd välja töötanud ülivikerkaare fluorestseeruvad osakesed, millel on täiustatud UV- ja Far Purple fluorestsentssügavus. Äärmiselt vikerkaare fluorestseeruvad osakesed sisaldavad ühte piiki ja on ette nähtud mis tahes liikumistsütomeetri optilise joonduse kontrollimiseks kõigis kanalites.
See toode koosneb ühest vikerkaareosakeste elanikust, mida saab värvida ühe fluorestsentssügavusega. Iga vikerkaareosake sisaldab fluorofooride segu, mida saab osakeste sisse stabiilselt sisestada ja mis ergastatakse mis tahes lainepikkusel 365–650 nm, võimaldades enamiku liikumistsütomeetri kanalite kalibreerimist, kasutades identseid osakesi. Vikerkaareosakestel on emissioonispektrid, mis sobivad paljude sagedaste fluorofooridega, mida kasutatakse immunofluorestsentsvärvimiseks käigutsütomeetrilise hindamise abil. Vikerkaare luminofoorosakesi pakutakse tilgutipudelis, et neid oleks mugav välja panna ja hoiustada.
Need vikerkaare kalibreerimisosakesed on segu kolmest 0–3 neli μm osakesest, mis on värvitud 6 erineva fluorestsentsi intensiivsusega. Kuna nende ergastus on 365–650 nm, saab neid kasutada enamiku laseritega. Sellest hoolimata tundub, et neid ei kasutata koos UV -laseriga. Nende vikerkaareosakeste emissioonispektrid on sobivad paljude sagedaste fluorofooridega, mida kasutatakse immunofluorestsentsvärvimisel koos liikumistsütomeetrilise hindamisega.
Tõeliselt kasulikud analüüsiprotseduurid
See osakeste kombinatsioon (~ 10 × 10^6 osakest/ml) on kasulik liikumistsütomeetrite rutiinseks kalibreerimiseks. Kasutamisest varem suspendeerige osakesed vorteksimisega. 3-5 tilga osakeste lahjendamine 1 ml ümbrisvedelikule annab tsütomeetriliseks hindamiseks palju erinevaid osakesi.
- Hoiatus: Naatriumasiid annab väga mürgise hüdrasoehappe alla happeliste olukordade. Lahjendage asiidühendeid töövees enne ära viskamist, et vältida kahtlemata plahvatusohtlike sademete kogunemist torustikku.
- Cy on ettevõtte GE Healthcare kaubamärk.
Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 0.4-0.6µm, 2mL |
URFP-05-2 | Spherotech | 2 mL | EUR 260 |
Description: Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 1.0-1.4µm, 5mL |
URFP-10-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | EUR 260 |
Description: Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, ~1E10/mL, 0.1-0.3µm, 2mL |
URFP-02-2 | Spherotech | 2 mL | EUR 260 |
Description: UltraRainbow Calibration Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 5.0-5.9µm, 10mL |
ACURFP-50-10 | Spherotech | 10 mL | EUR 265 |
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Fine Tuning Cell Sorters |
AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 3.8 (+/- 0.3)µm, 5mL |
ACURFP-38-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | EUR 170 |
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Fine Tuning Cell Sorters |
Fluorescent Particle Slide, Ultra Rainbow, 1.0-1.4µm |
FPS-1057-UR | Spherotech | 1.0-1.4µm | EUR 140 |
Fluorescent Particle Slide, Ultra Rainbow, 5.0-5.9µm |
FPS-5057-UR | Spherotech | UR mL | EUR 150 |
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone. |
AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 3.8 (+/- 0.3)µm, 15mL |
ACURFP-38-15 | Spherotech | 15 mL | EUR 405 |
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Fine Tuning Cell Sorters |
Fluorescent Particle Slide, Ultra Rainbow, 5 intensities, 5.0-5.9µm |
FPS-5057-UR5 | Spherotech | 5.0-5.9µm | EUR 150 |
Rainbow Fluorescent Particles |
RFP-38-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | EUR 188.4 |
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles |
SRCP01-35--10A | Spherotech | 10X1 mL | EUR 194.4 |
Description: Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles |
SRCP01-35--2AK | Spherotech | 2X1 mL | EUR 486 |
Description: Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles |
SRCP10-35--2A | Spherotech | 2X1 mL | EUR 1497.6 |
Description: Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 8.1-12.0µm, 2mL |
RFP-100-2 | Spherotech | 2 mL | EUR 220 |
Description: Rainbow Calibration Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 1.8-2.2µm, 5mL |
RFP-20-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | EUR 255 |
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 5mL |
RFP-30-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | EUR 265 |
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 3.5-4.0µm, 5mL |
RFP-35-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | EUR 265 |
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 5.0-5.9µm, 5mL |
RFP-50-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | EUR 275 |
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 6.0-6.4µm, 5mL |
RFP-60-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | EUR 275 |
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 6.5-8.0µm, 5mL |
RFP-70-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | EUR 275 |
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 4 peaks, 1E7/mL, 0.4-0.6µm, 5mL |
RCP-05-5 | Spherotech | 5mL | EUR 270 |
AccuCount Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 8.0-12.9µm, 3mL |
ACRFP-100-3 | Spherotech | 3 mL | EUR 175 |
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Fine Tuning Cell Sorters |
Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, Mid-Range, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 5mL |
RFP-30-5A | Spherotech | 5X1 mL | EUR 265 |
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer. |
Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 10.0-14.0µm |
FPS-10057 | Spherotech | mL | EUR 140 |
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone. |
Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 13.0-17.9µm |
FPS-15057 | Spherotech | mL | EUR 140 |
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone. |