quee bio Human baff r

Qayee bio inimese baff r

Peamised valikud ja üksikasjad

  • Tundlikkus: 10 pg/ml
  • Erinevus : 78 pg/ml – 5000 pg/ml
  • Proovi tüüp : rakkude kohandatud supernatant, rakulüsaat, EDTA -plasma, hep -plasma, seerum
  • Tuvastamine lähenemisviisi kolorimeetriline
  • Analüüsi tüüp : võileib (kvantitatiivne)
  • Reageerib järgmiselt: Inimene
  • Toote loomine

    Inimese BAFF-R ELISA tööriistad
  • tuvastamine lähenemine

  • Täpsus

    Näidis n Märkige SD CV%
    1 16 147 pg/ml 10.29 = 7%
    2 16 683 pg/ml 49,85 = 7,3%
    3 16 2750 pg/ml 206,25 = 7,5%
    Näidis n Märkige SD CV%
    1 24 156 pg/ml 13,88 = 8,9%
    2 24 700 pg/ml 62,3 = 8,9%
    3 24 2531 pg/ml 227,05 = 8,9%
  • Proovi tüüp

    Rakkude kohandatud supernatant, seerum, rakulüsaat, hep -plasma, EDTA -plasma
  • Analüüsi tüüp

    Võileib (kvantitatiivne)
  • Tundlikkus

    <10 pg/ml
  • Erinevad

    78 pg/ml – 5000 pg/ml
  • Analüüsi aeg

    3h 30m
  • Analüüsi suurus

    Palju tavalisi samme
  • Liigi reaktsioonivõime

    Reageerib järgmiselt:  Inimene

bio human baff r
bio human baff r
  • Toote ülevaade

    Inimese BAFF-R ensüümiga seotud immunosorbentanalüüsi (ELISA) käik (ab213839) on ette nähtud inimese TNFRSF13C kvantitatiivseks mõõtmiseks rakkude kohandatud supernatantides, rakulüsaatides, seerumis ja plasmas (hepariin, EDTA).

    ELISA käik põhineb tavapärastel võileivaensüümidega seotud immuun-sorbendi testi kogemustel . Monokloonne antikeha hiire selgesõnalist BAFF-R on eelnevalt kanti 96-süvendiga plaatidele. Necessities (Expression süsteem regulaarsel : NSO; Immunogen järjestus: S7-A71) ja kontrollida proovid lisatakse aukudesse, biotinüülitud avastamis- antikehaga kitse selgesõnalist BAFF-R lisatakse hiljem misjärel vastuvõetud pesemist PBS või TBS puhver. Avidiin-biotiin-peroksidaas Keerukaslisatakse ja seondumata konjugaadid pestakse PBS- või TBS -puhvriga. HRP substraati TMB kasutatakse HRP ensümaatilise vastuse visualiseerimiseks. TMB katalüüsib HRP toota sinist tooni toode, mis lahkus pärast kollaseks koos happeliste stop vastuses . Kollase tihedus on võrdeline plaadile võetud proovi kogusega inimese BAFF-R .

  • Märkused

    BAFF-R ( lisaks tuntakse Tuumornekroosifaktor väljakutse ülemsugukonda liikme 13C või B-rakkude aktiveeriv väljakutse retseptor) on valk, mis on inimestel on kodeeritud TNFRSF13C geen. Homoloogides BAC klooniga kaardistati BAFFR geen kromosoomile 22q13.1-q13.31. B-raku aktiveeriv väljakutse (BAFF) suurendab B-rakkude ellujäämist  in vitro  ja on perifeersete B-rakkude elanike regulaator. Selle geeni kodeeritud valk on BAFF-i retseptor ja see on III vormi transmembraanne valk, mis sisaldab ühte rakuvälist fenüülalaniinirikast ruumi . see on arvasin, et see retseptor on peamine retseptor, mis on vajalik BAFF-vahendatud küpsete B-rakkude ellujäämiseks.

  • Platvorm



qayee bio human baff r

Human B cell activation factorr from the tumor necrosis factor family receptor(BAFF-R)ELISA Kit

QY-E05097 96T
EUR 433.2

BAFF (B-cell Activating Factor)

RC214-15 5ug
EUR 125.26

Human B cell activating factor of TNF family(BAFF)ELISA Kit

QY-E04538 96T
EUR 433.2

BAFF-R, Human

HY-P7130 10ug
EUR 183.6

Human BAFF-R(CD268)

90103-A 10 µg
EUR 130
Description: Recombinant human BAFF-R (B cell-activating factor from the TNF family), also known as CD268, is a disulfide-linked monomeric protein consisting of 76 a.a. and migrates as an approximately 9 kDa protein under reducing and non-reducing conditions. Optimized DNA sequence encoding human BAFF-R extracellular domain was expressed in E. coli.

Human BAFF-R(CD268)

90103-B 50 µg
EUR 205
Description: Recombinant human BAFF-R (B cell-activating factor from the TNF family), also known as CD268, is a disulfide-linked monomeric protein consisting of 76 a.a. and migrates as an approximately 9 kDa protein under reducing and non-reducing conditions. Optimized DNA sequence encoding human BAFF-R extracellular domain was expressed in E. coli.

Recombinant Human BAFF-R

MBS7611153-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 345

Recombinant Human BAFF-R

MBS7611153-02mg 0.2mg
EUR 635

Recombinant Human BAFF-R

MBS7611153-1mg 1mg
EUR 1800

Recombinant Human BAFF-R

MBS7611153-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 6955

Rat B-Cell Activating Factor(BAFF)ELISA Kit

QY-E10385 96T
EUR 433.2


BC-323 50 ug
EUR 667

Mouse B-Cell Activating Factor(BAFF)ELISA Kit

QY-E20186 96T
EUR 433.2

[Cys0]-BAFF-R (159-183) (Mouse) / [Cys0]-BAFF-R (151-175) (Human)

030-51 100 μg
EUR 177.12

Human BAFF-R (CD268) Recombinant

MBS553135-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 165

Human BAFF-R (CD268) Recombinant

MBS553135-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 245

[Cys0]-BAFF-R (159-183) (Mouse) / [Cys0]-BAFF-R (151-175) (Human) - Antibody

H-030-51 50 μl
EUR 604.8

Recombinant Human BAFF-R (TNFRSF13C)

Z100015 50 µg
EUR 105
Description: The B cell-activating factor from the TNF family (BAFF), is emerging as an important regulator of B cell and T cell responses. BAFF was originally identified as a factor responsible for B cell survival and maturation. BAFF binds to several receptors. These include transmembrane activator and calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), BAFF-R (BR3), and B cell maturation Ag (BCMA). BAFF-R appears to be particularly important for the regulation of B cell survival and maturation in the spleen, because A/WySnJ mice expressing a defective BAFF-R have disrupted B cell maturation, similar to that seen in BAFF-deficient mice.

Recombinant Human BAFF-R (TNFRSF13C)

Z100017 100 µg
EUR 215
Description: The B cell-activating factor from the TNF family (BAFF), is emerging as an important regulator of B cell and T cell responses. BAFF was originally identified as a factor responsible for B cell survival and maturation. BAFF binds to several receptors. These include transmembrane activator and calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), BAFF-R (BR3), and B cell maturation Ag (BCMA). BAFF-R appears to be particularly important for the regulation of B cell survival and maturation in the spleen, because A/WySnJ mice expressing a defective BAFF-R have disrupted B cell maturation, similar to that seen in BAFF-deficient mice.

Recombinant Human BAFF-R (TNFRSF13C)

Z100019 1.0 mg
EUR 1060
Description: The B cell-activating factor from the TNF family (BAFF), is emerging as an important regulator of B cell and T cell responses. BAFF was originally identified as a factor responsible for B cell survival and maturation. BAFF binds to several receptors. These include transmembrane activator and calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), BAFF-R (BR3), and B cell maturation Ag (BCMA). BAFF-R appears to be particularly important for the regulation of B cell survival and maturation in the spleen, because A/WySnJ mice expressing a defective BAFF-R have disrupted B cell maturation, similar to that seen in BAFF-deficient mice.

Recombinant Human BAFF-R (TNFRSF13C)

MBS4159631-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 255

Recombinant Human BAFF-R (TNFRSF13C)

MBS4159631-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 360

Recombinant Human BAFF-R (TNFRSF13C)

MBS4159631-1mg 1mg
EUR 1335

Recombinant Human BAFF-R (TNFRSF13C)

MBS4159631-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 5770

BAFF-R (human):Fc (human), (recombinant)

MBS566224-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 540

BAFF-R (human):Fc (human), (recombinant)

MBS566224-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 2375

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